Sheet Music Song Book of ResurrectionPlay

Sheet Music made available for your convenience

When “The Complete Rabbi” play was first written, the audience was a local church in Placentia, California. Church Hymnals were used for the songs.

It was quite an “awakening” being confronted with copyright issues when we decided to publish this play.

Due to copyright issues we could not include sheet music for some of the songs in the play for free. So we decided to make the best of the situation by making a booklet of sheet music of all 21 songs referenced in the Play.  This was an agreeable compromise with the copyright owners.

This is really an optional convenience offer for the purchaser of the play. So that you can get quickly down to the business of practicing instead of searching for sheet music.

For a nominal price of $9 you can access this booklet now and print all 21 sheet music.

Please note that we cannot honor a request for a refund on this item after the download link has been sent. Thank you for understanding.


Yes, I’d like to take advantage of the convenience of having all the Sheet Music I need
for the Easter Resurrection Play made available to me
for a one-time only payment of $9

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 Remember to click in the box under the arrow before you click the “Buy Now” button.