The Complete Rabbi




ACT III,  Scene I


                        [Spotlight ON a Road]

                        [House Light DIM]


                        [Jesus approaches two travelers on a Road]


JESUS               What is this conversation which you are holding with each other as you walk?


CLEOPAS           Are you the only visitor to Jerusalem who doesn't know the things which have happened there recently?


JESUS               What things?


CLEOPAS           Things about Jesus the Nazarene, who was a prophet mighty in deed and word in the sight of God and all the people, and how the chief priests and our rulers delivered Him up to the sentence of death, and crucified Him.


JOHN                But we were hoping that it was He who was going to redeem Israel. Indeed, besides all this, it is the third day since these things happened.


CLEOPAS          But also some women among us amazed us. When they were at the tomb early in the morning,

                        and did not find His body, they came, saying that they had also seen a vision of angels, who said that He was alive.


JOHN                And some of those who were with us went to the tomb and found it just exactly as the women also had said; but Him they did not see."

                        [Luke 24:19-24]


JESUS               Oh, foolish men, slow to believe all that the prophets spoke. Wasn't it necessary that the Christ should suffer these things and enter into His Glory?


CLEOPAS           [Luke 24:29b]

                        Stay with us, for it is getting toward evening, and the day is now nearly over.


                        [Spotlight OFF]

                        [House Light DIM]



READER            [Luke 24:31]

                        And it came about that when He had reclined at the table with them, He took the bread and blessed it, and breaking it, He began giving it to them. Then their eyes were opened and they recognized Him.


                        [Spotlight ON Jesus]

                        [Floodlight ON Jesus]

                        [House Light DIM]


CLEOPAS           Jesus!


JOHN                Rabboni!


                        [Spotlight OFF Abruptly]

                        [Floodlight OFF Abruptly]

                        [House Light DIM]


                        [Jesus Disappears]


 CHOIR              Sings “CHRIST AROSE”









ACT III,  Scene II



NARRATOR        Jesus appeared to others at various times, and many amazing things happened.


                        [Spotlight ON Street Scene]

                        [House Light DIM]


                        [Follower appears walking across front of auditorium, halts momentarily when he sees Saul coming down center aisle.  When he gets close, Saul recognizes the follower, and halts in shock.]


                        [Spotlight on both]


SAUL                 [Pointing at Follower]

                        You… you look very familiar.


CHRISTIAN        I should!  Saul


SAUL                 Are you…

                        [Still stunned, he stammers] are, are you…


CHRISTIAN        Indeed I am, Saul.


SAUL                 But you're dead!


CHRISTIAN        I'm very much alive, thank you!


SAUL                 But I saw you die. You were stoned to death outside of Jerusalem.


CHRISTIAN        That's true. And you threw some of the rocks, Saul.


SAUL                 And I saw your crushed skull.


CHRISTIAN        Look closely, Saul. Does it look crushed now?


SAUL                 No.


CHRISTIAN        Do you see the scars on my head?


SAUL                 [Timidly Looks closely]



CHRISTIAN        Does that tell you anything?


SAUL                 How could you fake that?


CHRISTIAN        Oh, I didn't fake anything. I really died alright. But when Jesus gave His life, many of His followers were restored to life.  I'm only one of the ones that God raised to live again.


SAUL                Blasphemy - don't associate God with that imposter!


CHRISTIAN        Jesus is no imposter. 

                        I was dead. But now I live. And God did it! 

                        You could…


SAUL                 [Angry, threatening]

                        Shut up I say, or I'll kill you a…


CHRISTIAN        Hold it! It not very wise to kill someone God has raised.


SAUL                 [Steps back slightly - no more physical threats but still belligerent]

                        Liars!  All of you!  We'll get you, and all of your kind.  I don't know why that doesn't concern you. 


CHRISTIAN        You killed me once.  And perhaps you will kill me again.  But you're right, you don't frighten me. You see, it's no longer my strength, but His.


                        [Sings] "BECAUSE HE LIVES" Verse One only




CHRISTIAN        [Continues dialogue]

                        Even death doesn't frighten me anymore. I've been there, and it's delightful. I'll pray for you, Saul.

                        Are you still going to Damascus?


SAUL                 In due time, after I deal with the situation here in Jerusalem. And no, I don't want your prayers. Why would you pray for me, anyway?  I was the one who had you stoned.


CHRISTIAN        This Jesus Whom you persecuted taught us to forgive, just as He forgave us for our imperfections.  So I'll pray.  Have a good trip, Paul!  


                        [Follower Moves on]

                        [His Spotlight goes out]


SAUL                [Stands shocked for a moment, then turns around and moves on]


                        [Spotlight OFF]

                        [Floodlight OFF]

                        [House Light DIM]