The Complete Rabbi



Rabbi #3              He is the story teller.   He also sings solos and a duet with a Soprano

Rabbi #2              Associate of Rabbi #3

Rabbi #1              Associate of Rabbi #3

Jesus                   The Savior

James                  Disciple of Jesus – in 3 scenes plus walk-on parts

John                     Disciple of Jesus – in 4 scenes plus walk-on parts

Thomas                Disciple of Jesus – in 4 scenes plus walk-on parts

Peter                    Disciple of Jesus – in 4 scenes plus walk-on parts

Judas                   Disciple of Jesus – in 5 scenes plus walk-on parts

Pharisee #1          Antagonist of Christians, numerous scenes

Pharisee #2          Antagonist of Christians, 5 scenes

Pharisee #3          Walk-on parts

Pharisee #4          Walk-on parts

Martha                Follower of Jesus, 3 scenes plus walk-on parts

Mary                   Follower of Jesus, 3 scenes plus walk-on parts

Jews                   2 or more in walk-on parts in scene I-6

Follower #1          Various speaking and walk-on parts (Starts in audience)

Follower #2          Various walk-on parts (Starts in audience)

Servant                Of Mary’s.  Small speaking part in I-5

Scribe #1             Small speaking part in I-7, 8; walk-ons as needed

Scribe #2             Small speaking part in I-7, 8; walk-ons as needed

Caiaphas             Chief Priest,  scenes II-7, 9

Soldiers               (Several)  Walk on parts, II-8  

Woman #1           Believer at cross.  Small speaking part in II-10

Woman #2           Believer at cross.  Small speaking part in II-10

Traveler #1          (Cleopas)  Small speaking part in III-1

Traveler #2          (John)  Small speaking part in III-1

Saul                     As an Orthodox Jew in III-2

Solos                    2 Tenors,               

                      1 Soprano (who also sings a duet with Rabbi #3)