The Complete Rabbi







This is a drama art form which makes the audience a part of the program itself.  It is also an art form which concentrates on the message rather than the presentation, although the main players work hard to prepare for the performance.  A minimum of scenery and costumes are used and only a few players have to memorize their scripts, the other participants read their scripts.





Musidrama combines music and dramatic presentation.  To “muse” is to think.  It is a goal of this musidrama to cause you to think about the message it presents.  The message of “The Complete Rabbi” resurrection play is scripturally accurate with a fictional story line woven in. 



The “NARRATOR” is an unseen voice used to strategically accentuate the story.  If you choose to make him “seen,” be sure to keep him out of the way of the active performers.



The role of “READER” is only used to READ BIBLE PASSAGES and is also an “unseen” role.  Do not use the same person for the Narrator and Reader.  In using two people, the vocal differences make it clear what is Scripture and what isn’t.  It also allows for different dramatic styles between the two parts.



“AUDIENCE” parts are meant to be read by the audience as a kind of responsive reading, giving the audience a chance to identify with the teachings of the various portions.  It also keeps the audience participating and alert.



“ACCOMPANIMENT” refers to MUSICAL ACCOMPANIMENT whatever that may be; Piano, Guitar, Cello, Flute, Clarinet or any combination of instrument(s) available to you.



Minimal LIGHTING instructions are given.  If you have facilities for more intricate lighting feel free to expand lighting usage.